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Dr. Sapnna Vaderra

Surgeon – Researcher – Mentor par excellence. Dr. Sapnna Vaderra is a Mumbai-based Facioplastic/Faciocosmetic & Hair Transplant Surgeon and co-founder of Stellar Aesthetics, India. Stellar Aesthetics is a State-of-the-Art Cosmetic Clinic chain presently in 15+ cities across India, with Dr. Sapnna Vaderra heading the team as a Director. Having a passion for aesthetics during her graduation days, she went on to master her skills in CranioMaxillofacial Surgery, followed by her Fellowship in Rhinoplasty & Facial Plastic Surgery and Fellowship in Facial Plastic and Facial Cosmetic Surgery, which gave her the skills and expertise to become one of the Youngest Mentors to date. With her thorough qualifications and vast experience in the field of Facial Plastics and Aesthetics, she is one of the most sought-after specialists for Oro-Facial Plastic procedures &Reconstructive Surgeries at a wide variety of Clinics and Hospitals across India.

Academic Qualifications

Dr. Sapnna Vaderra began her journey with the completion of her Graduation from Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences, Wardha & Post-Graduation in Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery from VSPM‘s DCRC and Lata Mangeshkar Hospital Nagpur During her tenure as a resident surgeon, she mastered various skills related to extra-oral and intra-oral surgical procedures and anaesthetic techniques, including but not limited to management of Head and Neck Trauma, Head and Neck Cancers and pathologies, Orofacial space infections, Craniofacial syndromes, and deformities Temporomandibular joint complications, and Aesthetic/Cosmetic rehabilitation of the face. She has witnessed a variety of scenarios where surgical intervention is of utmost necessity and at times lifesaving in nature.

During her learning days, she also honed her skills with her observer-ship training in Head and Neck Cancers at Rashtra Tukdoji tertiary Cancer Center in Nagpur. Followed by extended observer-ship training Cranio-Neurosurgery at Neuron Hospital. Her curiosity to dive deep into the subject of Head and Neck Surgery helped her to further enhance her skills with Fellowship in Implantology.

Her passion towards Aesthetics was the main driving force for her to enter into the field of Aesthetics. During her advanced training as Cosmetic Surgeon, she learned the art of creating beautiful and well-balanced Noses and Faces with utmost dedication and passion through her Fellowship in Rhinoplasty & Facial Plastic Surgery from the “Indian Society of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery”.

Finally, she went on to master the nuances of Anti-aging, Facial Contouring, Beautification, and Facial Engineering with a Fellowship in Facial Plastic Surgery and Facial Cosmetic Surgery from Mumbai. Additionally, she has attended umpteen workshops to upgrade her skills in the field of Hair Transplantation, Micropigmentation, and Microblading all of which are elective cosmetic procedures, and elevate her skills to encompass nearly all of the cosmetic procedures available today.

Dr. Sapnna believes that each patient is different, and no single procedure can be applied to all the patients in similar ways. She uses all these skills beautifully mastered by her, combined with years of experience to treat her precious patients. Dr. Sapnna Vaderra is a life-long student, who loves to be up-to-date on new concepts, technologies, and protocols in the world of surgical and aesthetic procedures, and imparts this knowledge with the same enthusiasm.

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Expertise as a Mentor

Armed with a sound theoretical background, up-to-date clinical skills, and an amalgamation of evidence-based approaches, Dr.Sapnna Vaderra is one of the most sought-after mentors in the field of Facial Aesthetics.

At Stellar Aesthetics, she teaches techniques to perform cosmetic correction procedures for beauty, anti-aging, Facial Reshaping, Facial Contouring, Birth abnormalities, fractures, trauma, cancer-induced facial deformities & various other Cosmetic correction.

By blending modern techniques with the expertise of an artist, Dr. Sapnna Vaderra’s teaching method creates an unparalleled learning environment for the trainees who travel from all corners of the world, Nationally, and Internationally to attend her courses.

Dr. Sapnna Vaderra’s courses are designed to cover the entire spectrum of Facial Cosmetics, Anti-aging, LASERS, Hair Restoration & Cosmetic Micropigmentation in an integrated and comprehensive way. These treatments are not performed as stand-alone treatment procedures; thus, an exceptional amount of skill and talent is required to set up a sound treatment plan. Dr.Sapnna’s trainees thoroughly appreciate her for teaching them the art of weaving a perfect treatment plan for every patient. This is a skill that comes with thorough experience and know-how of the latest treatment procedures in the market.

In addition to the best training in different aesthetic aspects, treatments, diagnostic procedures, and aftercare methodologies, her students also learn proficiency in clinic management & financial planning for running a successful aesthetic practice. All the practical aspects that are required for a doctor to set up a successful cosmetic practice are covered by Dr.Sapnna Vaderra in her workshops. She thoroughly trains every candidate so that they can also aspire for greatness in the world of aesthetics. After all the in-office training she also provides doubt solving sessions and post-course support. All these aspects make her one of the best mentors in today’s day and age.

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    KeyNote Speaker

    45th AOMSI National Conference, 2021

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    Felicitation: Connexon 2020

    KeyNote Lecture: Rejuvenating Indian Face.

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    Youth Icon Of The Year, Connexon 2020

    Youth Icon Of The Year, Connexon 2020

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    KeyNote Speaker

    RECOGYN 2022, International Cosmetic Gynaecology Conference

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    Participant performing Hands-on for LASER with Dr. Sapnna Vaderra

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    Felicitation at 46th AOMSI National Conference, Indore

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    Keynote Speaker and talk on the topic: Facial Aesthetics, The Final Touch.

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    With participants who travelled all across India to attend Hands-On Training with Dr. Sapnna Vaderra

An Avid Researcher

Dr. Sapnna is not just a devoted surgeon but also an extremely passionate and keen researcher. She has multiple publications in journals of national and international renown. A few of her game-changing researches are “Aging and the Indian face: an analytical study of aging in the Asian Indian face” & “Innovative approach for tear trough deformity correction using higher G prime fillers for safe, efficacious, and long‐lasting results: A prospective interventional study”. These building blocks of science form a firm plinth for her surgical procedures and open doors to innovations in the cosmetic arena.

At this young age, she has co-authored a chapter on “Cosmetic Complications after Bariatric Surgery”, in a book by one of the most prestigious American publication houses “Springer publication”. There are very few surgeons who have been able to flaunt the brain skill to write books on the subject they practice, Dr.Sapnna Vaderra is definitely one such gifted surgeon. Dr. Sapnna Vaderra is a reviewer for Facial Plastic Surgery & Facial Cosmetic Surgery at one of the world’s top and premium Netherland based scientific publishing house “Elsevier” Her research encompasses all these facets of Facial Aesthetics and sheds light on the quality and integrity of surgical procedures, as well as the literature publications that she is involved in.

Awards & Accolades

As one of the best Facio-Plastic and/or Cosmetic Surgeons in Mumbai, Dr. Sapnna Vaderra has been awarded by many national and state associations for her continuous efforts to improve the ways and practices in modern-day plastic surgery.

Dr. Sapnna Vaderra got recently awarded for her contribution towards the field of Cosmetology with the AWARD for Excellence in Clinical Cosmetology in August 2022 by Molaris. Dr. Sapnna Vaderra has been awarded as the ‘Youth Icon of the Year’ by The Indian Association of Dental Students (IADS), in 2020. This award signifies the depth of her achievements at such a young age. She has also received the ‘Young Achiever in Facial Cosmetics’ award 2019 from IADS.

In a high-powered event, Dr. Sapnna Vaderra was awarded for ‘Excellence in Facial Cosmetics’ by Indian Health Professional Awards in 2019, for her exemplary work in the field of Facial Plastic Surgery & Facial Cosmetic Surgery. The award is considered as ‘The healthcare Oscars of India’. Dr. Sapnna Vaderra holds the Presidential Post in the ‘Chapter ABODE‘ of the 36-year-old Business Network International(BNI) organization. With over 10,000 chapters running worldwide, BNI is one of the most prestigious organizations to be associated with and a presidential post is an honour to be bestowed with.

Dr. Sapnna Vaderra has been bestowed with the honour of writing “The Best Southeast Asian Paper” by “Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Fall 2021”. This is an example of her exemplary literary work on the “Ageing Indian face” and the in-depth study of Indian skin types. Such achievements personify the passion for her art & science of Aesthetic Medicine & Plastic Surgery. Dr. Sapnna Vaderra has secured 1st position in the M.D.S University examinations in the Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Department, VSPM‘s DCRC Nagpur. She has been the brightest student in her batch with the traits of a very successful doctor.

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    KeyNote Lecture

    Felicitation in Chennai, Molaris 2022

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    Award by IHPA 2019

    Excellence In Facial Cosmetics by IIHPA 2019

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    IHPA AWARD 2019

    Indian Health Professional Award 2019, Delhi

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    Award: IADS Connexon 2020

    Young Achiever in Facial Cosmetics

  • dr sapnna vaderra image

    Youth Icon Of The Year, Connexon 2020

    Youth Icon Of The Year, Connexon 2020

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    Excellence in Facial Cosmetics: IHPA 2019

    Excellence in Facial Cosmetics, Molaris 2022

Areas of Surgical Expertise

As a Highly trained Expert in her field, Dr.Sapnna Vaderra has successfully treated thousands of patients using surgical and nonsurgical procedures. Some of the various treatments performed by her include:

  • Facial Cosmetic, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgical procedures.
  • Surgical Hair transplantation procedures (FUE/FUT)
  • Semi-Robotic Hair transplantation procedures
  • Non-Surgical Hair Re-growth procedures (PRP and Meso-cocktails)
  • Surgical Face-lifts
  • Non-Surgical Face-lifts using Threads, Face lifting devices.
  • Liquid Face Lift as well as Vampire Face-lifts.
  • Neck Lifts & Double chin correction procedures.
  • Jawline contouring
  • Facial Rejuvenation using Botox & Fillers.
  • Lip & Chin Augmentation procedures
  • Lip Reduction procedures
  • Lip Augmentation (Lip Fillers)
  • Facial Brightening procedures
  • LASER skin tightening & brightening procedures
  • LASER hair reduction
  • Pigment reduction, Tattoo Removal procedures
  • Removal of Moles, Skin tags & Warts using LASER
  • Chemical peels for Acne, Skin Brightening, and De-pigmentation
  • Eyebrow designing
  • Micropigmetation procedures for Eyebrows and Lip
  • Scalp Micropigmentation
  • Surgical Rhinoplasty (Nose Job/ Nose Surgeries)
  • Septoplasty (DNS Correction)
  • Nasal tip correction Surgery
  • Facial Implants (Cheek and Chin Implants)
  • Dimploplasty (Dimple creation procedure)
  • Liposuction, Lipolysis (Surgical Fat Dissolution)
  • Cool Sculpting for Fat dissolution
  • Blepharoplasty
  • Scar revision
  • Acne Scar correction procedures
  • Facial Fracture repair Surgeries- Face, Orbit, Nose, Jaw
  • Corrective Surgery for Facial Fractures (2nd stage surgeries)
  • Facial Cysts and Tumor surgeries
  • Head and Neck Cancer Surgeries
  • Orthognathic (Jaw repositioning) Surgery
  • Genioplasty (Chin repositioning) procedures

Dr. Sapnna believes in creating a good rapport with her patients to understand their expectations so that treatment planning can be outlined through customized protocols. Additionally, Dr. Sapnna explains how Indian skin is unique and different from other types of skin, thus treatment plans should be titrated as per the skin and face type of each patient. Such minute attention to detail, coupled with her commitment to patient care and predictable results, makes her a class apart surgeon of today’s generation.

Media Coverage

Humanitarian Works

Humanitarian Doctors share a passion for improving the quality of life for as many people as possible. Dr. Sapnna Vaderra has been associated with several NGO/ Non-profit organizations since her initial days as a doctor. She gives back to society with both hands. She is also a co-founder of the NGO “Aiming for the Stars (AFM)”. The main motto of AFM is to give confidence to individuals to reach for the Stars. This organization right now is helping thousands of people suffering from Birth deformities, secondary trauma, burns marks, cancer survivors who are dealing every day with the societal stigma of facing people due to lack of confidence. The NGO helps the needy get rid of the stigma associated with any Facial/aesthetic deformity and avail treatment to improve their appearance and make their place in society.

Dr. Sapnna Vaderra is an ardent believer that everybody should have an equal opportunity to avail treatment. She works hard to help people improve their cosmetic features so as to boost their confidence, avail jobs, and lead successful lives. There is a great deal of dedication in the pursuit of public service & it takes a degree of personal conviction to serve people without expecting anything material gain. Dr. Sapnna beautifully accomplishes a balance between state-of-the-art practice and selfless service to society.

Memberships & Affiliations

Along with the best evidence and clinical guidance, Dr. Sapnna believes in keeping herself updated with the latest technology, innovations, and practices requires to be in touch with various societies of practice. She makes it a point to get a maximum number of subscriptions, associations & affiliations to bring the best to her patients & students.

She is Affiliated with the following:

  • Member of Indian Dental Association (IDA)
  • Member of Indian Academy of Aesthetic & Cosmetic Dentistry (IAACD)
  • Member of Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons in India (AOMSI)
  • Member of Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons in India- Maharashtra State Chapter
  • Annual Member of AOCMF
  • Annual Member of BNI