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Why Choose Us?

Our Trainings are Jam packed with Knowledge, Experience and Goodies

It’s THE ULTIMATE SUCCESS PACKAGE for your Successful Cosmetology Practice.

  • Big Names. Train Under Absolute Experts.

    Every one of our Trainers are Renowned, running a Big Practice and are Well-Known Experts in their fields. To be the best, learn from the best. Internationally Certified. Internationally Eligible

    Be a UK BOARD CERTIFIED FELLOW OR TRAINEE with our International Board (UK) Certified Programs. International recognition of your name immediately adds value to your practice and gives you an edge over your competitors. We bring Exclusive and preferential PLACEMENTS, CAREER AND BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES (National and International), just for you.

  • Comprehensive Program. Exhaustive Hands-On. Complete Package.

    Save time and money with our brief in form but comprehensive in scope hybrid Programs consisting of activities, online modules, and live lectures followed by an exhaustive in-person HANDS-ON Training on a variety of patients for each Participant and for EACH Procedure.

  • Small Batch. Focused Attention.

    With a maximum of only 10 students in any batch, we personalize every interaction, just for you. We focus specifically on YOUR Goals, YOUR success, and YOUR Practice.

  • Everything you need. All the time.

    Only with us, you get HANDS-ON experience in the widest possible range of products, in price, quality and results. Exclusive Stellar Aesthetics Product & Dealer Guides that gives you EXCLUSIVE KNOWLEDGE about Cosmeceutical Products, Home-care Products and Medicinal Management. When you get trained with us you get the EXCLUSIVE Stellar Aesthetics Protocol Guide. The guide contains an entire treatment plan outlined session-wise for each concern.

    With the guide in hand, you can immediately begin your practice with confidence to go ahead and deliver Stellar results to every patient. Start your practice with confidence and security with our ready-to-use consent forms, customized for each procedure, and every Medico Legal aspect.

    Be a FELLOW at Stellar Aesthetics and get an Exclusive STARTER KIT. This is not just a kit, but THE CONFIDENCE that we give you, for the fruitful beginning of your career.

Even more reasons to love SIACE.

  • Real-world Success. Nothing Less.

    We train you not only in Cosmetics but also HAND HOLD you into the practice with our EXCLUSIVE PERSONALIZED BUSINESS MENTOR-SHIP. With Stellar Aesthetics get tailor-made growth hacks, strategies, product and equipment know-how, and insights for minimizing investments and maximizing returns. We give you every ounce of Business know-how, Marketing, Patient Acquisition and In practice Management, you will ever need, to ensure you have a healthy flow of patients from your 1st day. Be it your existing practice, or even if you just starting out.

  • Lifetime Mentor-ship. Lifelong Security.

    Our MENTOR-SHIP PROGRAM is a promise for a lifetime. Be it Treatment planning, mid-procedure guidance, 2nd opinion or postoperative complications, our trainers are there to guide you through.

  • Build Credibility. Become well-known.

    Fellowship at Stellar Aesthetics gives you an EXCLUSIVE opportunity for Research & Publications. Reputed publications not only add value to your name but increase your credibility as well.

  • Money? No Problem.

    Easy payment options, EMI and financial support, not just for training but also for investing in setting up your practice.